
Hi guys + dolls it’s 2022! Despite all we’ve been faced with the last two years, pat yourself on the back for making it this far because tuh, it hasn’t been easy. I’m always amazed by this community and how we are so relentless about making our self-care and finding joy in the small things a priority.

So as we continue this journey, I decided to take a quest to explore some art for my first outing in Dallas.

First I stopped at the Pencil on Paper Gallery where Jeremy Biggers (@stemandthorn) had his work of art. The exhibition was a beautiful display of Black fathers in their relationships with their children and the myth of the “absentee father”. In a world that tries to portray otherwise, Biggers did a brilliant job in showcasing that fathers are indeed present.

After that, I moseyed over to the Daisha Board Gallery (@daishabordgallery) who represents BIPOC artists. The solo exhibit by Sharidyn Barnes (@sharidynbarnes) of UNSEEN depicted her work while she was getting her M.F.A.

And you know while I was mesmerized by the art, I was also scoping the art of fashion that night. I truly love the art we display through our attire when we step out of the house and the art scene did not disappoint. Check out a few of my favorites that I met and my take on “street style” and don’t forget to follow them as well!

Until Next Time,

Lauren -xoxo


No. 2